
Sundance film ‘Hellion’ Premieres this Weekend at O Cinema

By Nicole Chipi, Knight Foundation

This weekend, Knight Foundation grantee O Cinema will open ‘Hellion’, a feature film written and directed by Kat Candler. Candler, whose past directorial credits include ‘Black Metal’ and a ‘Hellion’ short, was in Miami this March, sharing her trials and triumphs in filmmaking at a Knight-funded Sundance ShortsLab at Cosford Cinema.

‘Hellion’ stars Aaron Paul as an emotionally absent father and Josh Wiggins as his heavy metal obsessed, dirt bike racing son, whose increasingly delinquent behavior forces Child Protective Services to place his younger brother Wes, with his aunt, played by Juliette Lewis. Screenings begin at O Cinema on Friday, June 20th and will be followed by a Q&A with Candler via Skype.