
Knight Fellow’s Work Helps Prompt Policy Change in Tanzania

High taxes kept modern dairy farming equipment out of the hands of many farmers in Tanzania until fairly recently.’ The country has the third largest cattle population in Africa, but Tanzania was importing 70% of its milk from other countries ‘ in large part because roughly two million liters of milk was spoiling each day before it reached the market.

The agricultural supplement in the nation’s largest paper published a series of stories on the problem, and just a few weeks later, the duties on dairy equipment were lifted by the government as part of the national budget, making it less expensive to purchase.

Knight Fellow Joachim Buwembo helped to create the agricultural weekly Kilimo Kwanza at The Guardian newspaper.’ The newly created supplement is popular with readers, and local reporters have informed the national debate on rural issues and prompted government policy changes. ‘Other newspapers have followed suit with more coverage of rural issues.

Buwembo is working under the auspices of the International Center for Journalists, with support from Knight Foundation.’ He’s one of 23 Knight Fellows currently in the field.’ Fellows typically focus on a geographic area and policy issue, and often work with a media partner.’ The fellowships are open to applicants on a competitive basis, with a goal of producing lasting, visible impact in the areas in which they work.

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