Impact of games on engaged communities illustrated, presented at Games 4 Change – Knight Foundation

Impact of games on engaged communities illustrated, presented at Games 4 Change

If you’re interested in how games can bring people together, take a look at the new data visualization illustrating the first 1,047 players of Macon Money, an award-winning, Knight Foundation-sponsored game in Macon, Ga. Dots on the map fill the screen, showing how people from across Macon found each other as part of the game, and together spent their “Macon Money” at local businesses.

Earlier this week at the Games For Change festival, a Knight Foundation team presented the visualization and a preliminary look at the game’s impact. The presentation is available on Slide Share.

Macon Money also inspired the conference’s game, StakeHold’em.

Knight Foundation funds games as an innovative way to engage communities. Tonight, Games for Change will announce the winner of the Knight News Game Award. Watch the presentation live here at 5:15 p.m. EDT.

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