Wyncode Academy scholarships open doors to underserved Miami-Dade residents – Knight Foundation

Wyncode Academy scholarships open doors to underserved Miami-Dade residents

Wyncode pitch winners. Photo by Jenna Buehler.

Juha Mikkola is co-founder of Wyncode Academy.

It’s been written about many times, in many places—Miami is the next tech hub—and over the last few years many of the pieces needed to make that statement true have fallen into place. We’ve seen Wynwood evolve into a center for the tech and creative community, an influx of investment dollars from across the country and around the world has flowed in, and, most importantly, we’ve been able to develop talent here and keep it local. 

Development talent is the backbone of any tech ecosystem, and in Miami it has been one of the biggest question marks and, for many local companies, their greatest need. Can we train a community of developers and then keep them from jetting off to New York or San Francisco? Are the pieces in place to make sure our best and brightest become the future of our tech ecosystem? 

The answer is a resounding yes and it is the core reason why we founded Wyncode. In less than two years, we have built a program, and a community, dedicated to teaching anyone the skills and tools needed to have a career in coding and to ensure that the future of the Miami tech ecosystem is built on the strengths of those who call the Magic City, and all of South Florida, home. 

Nearly 100 people have completed our nine-week, intensive coding boot camp with 92 percent placement within three months—and most of it with local companies. Eight startups have originated out of our program. Twelve companies have hired more than one Wyncoder, 61 total companies have hired at least one, and our network of hiring partners is up to 107. Local startup success stories Kipu Systems and MDLIVE lead the pack with five Wyncoders each.

What we have seen time and again is that the background of Wyncoders does not determine their success. The hard work, dedication and hustle they put into the program is what sets them apart. While Wyncode has opened the doors for many to join tech companies or start their own, the cost of the program has kept many great candidates that possess the qualities we value from being able to participate. Now, thanks to the support of Knight Foundation, Wyncode will provide Future Leaders of Tech scholarships to a total of nine low-income, underrepresented Miami-Dade County residents over the next five cohorts. Recipients of the Future Leaders of Tech scholarships will be enrolled in our nine-week Wyncode Academy cohort at our Miami campus located within The LAB Miami’s entrepreneurial environment.

With these scholarships, Wyncode aims to make coding a viable career path for all those passionate about it and ready to work hard. We want to help close the technology education gap among low-income neighborhoods across South Florida while doing our part to diversify the community of active entrepreneurs.  Our goal is not to emulate Silicon Valley but instead to strengthen the attributes that make our own ecosystem unique. The amazing diversity that Miami offers is one of the key differentiators from almost any other city in the world, and we’re excited to work with Knight Foundation to do our part in making sure the growth in South Florida’s tech sector is accessible to all.

To learn more, visit www.wyncode.co/futureleaders.