Knight News Challenge on Data closes with more than 1,000 entries
The Knight News Challenge on Data is now closed. Thank you to everyone who submitted ideas and participated in the conversation. We received more than 1,000 submissions. Here’s what happens next.
Through Oct. 20, we will review the submissions. During the review process, applicants and interested parties may join us and our team of readers to ask questions and provide feedback.
As a team, we read every application we receive. However, we have assembled a spectacular group of 16 experts in the field to join us as initial readers. The readers will go through each application and advise us as we select the semifinalists. Applicants will be able to interact directly with these readers on our open submission platform. They can be identified at newschallenge.org by the “reader” tag on their profile photos.
If a project receives feedback or questions on the site, applicants will be notified via email and will have the opportunity to respond and to incorporate any changes into their entry. However, if you choose to edit your application, make sure to do so promptly as there is a chance the readers may never see these changes if you do so later in the review process.
On Oct. 21, we will notify semifinalists, and send them additional questions, which will be due back to us on Oct. 26.
On Nov. 5, we will gather a set of outside advisers to assist us in selecting finalists. Finalists will be notified on Nov. 6 and sent additional questions, which will be due back on Nov. 13.
On Dec. 7, we will recommend a group of Knight News Challenge: Data winners to the foundation’s board of trustees, and we will announce the winners in early 2016.
Thank to our partners in this challenge: Data & Society and Open Society Foundations. Thank you to everyone who submitted an application, and thank you to those folks that contributed questions and feedback. We would also like to thank everyone who helped us catalyze the conversation around data on Knight Blog.
Below is a list (in alphabetical order) of individuals who will be reading the applications at newschallenge.org during the review process. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the application or challenge, please email those directly to [email protected].
Nina Zenni is a media innovation associate for Knight Foundation. Email her at [email protected].
Our readers
- Kat Aaron | @kataaron
- Erin Berman| @MohawkLibrarian
- Jeanne Brooks | @jmfbrooks
- Lynn Cherny | @arnicas
- Angèle Christin
- Amanda Cox | @amandacox
- Nick Diakopoulos | @ndiakopoulos
- Alexis Grenell | @agrenell
- Ted Han | @knowtheory
- Darian Harvin | @dariansymone
- Sasha Koren| @Sasha
- Djordje Padejki | @djordjepadejski
- Erika Raleigh | @ericaraleigh
- Irene Ross | @ireneros
- Kio Stark | @kiostark
- Sara Jayne Terp | @bodaceacat
- Troy Thibodeaux | @tthibo
- Sisi Wei | @sisiwei
* Editor’s note: This blog post was updated Oct. 6, 2015 to reflect additional readers.
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