Locals are doing it for themselves
Starting out at the first fair to open, “Untitled” on Monday night: the only local gallery included is the non-profit, artist-run space Dimensions Variable (a Knight Arts grantee). Works from Frances Trombly, Adler Guerrier and Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova are the three featured artists – special mention has to go to the compositionally fantastic sculpture from Rodriguez-Casanova.
Tonight move on west of Wynwood to Spinello’s opening in his new gallery, a version of which initially showed in New York under the name “Perfect Lovers.” Here it is called “Closer,” which includes collaborative efforts from a group of diverse artists delving into the nature of relationships of every kind. Throughout the night there will be live performances, from the likes of Ana Mendez and Antonia Wright and Ruben Millares (but certainly not limited to them).
Leyden Rodriguez-Casanova at Untitled.
During the madness of Art Basel, make sure to give props to the locals when you pass by them – or make an effort to search some of them out. It will be worth it. Then go north, to the latest space from Genaro Ambrosino, who is giving over the place across from MOCA to a solo show from William Cordova, “yawar mallku: look for me in the whirlwind.” Combining drawing, photography and sculpture Cordova looks at the travels through geography, culture, language and time we go through in the Americas as we migrate and move through new worlds.
On Thursday, the official unveiling of the pop-up Storefront will take place in the Design District (although it will be open starting today), a cool-looking mega-group show organized by Ibett Yanez and Tiffany Chestler and sponsored by the de la Cruzes. Once again, just some of the artists included are Christy Gast, Justin H. Long, Ernesto Oroza, Cesar Trasobares and Viking Funeral.
Check them all out, there will be time to sleep when…..it’s over.
Untitled fair, 12th Street and Ocean Drive, Miami Beach (price for admission), www.art-untitled.com. “Closer” at Spinello Projects, 2930 NW 7th Ave., Miami; http://spinelloprojects.com/. “yawar mallku: look for me in the whirlwind,” at Ambrosino’s General Audience gallery, 769 NE 125th St., North Miami; generalaudiencepresents.com. Storefront at the Buena Vista Bldg., suite 120, 180 NE 39th St., Miami; www.delacruzcollection.org.
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