12/9/2014 @knightfdn newsletter – Knight Foundation

12/9/2014 @knightfdn newsletter

  Welcome to @knightfdn, your quick look at Knight Foundation’s efforts to foster informed and engaged communities.

    Funders collaborate to help the Committee to Protect Journalists combat war on press freedom

Knight partners with VICE to create a $500K fund at CUNY to foster innovative storytelling    

    Making art general in South Florida: 47 projects share $2.29M in Knight Arts Challenge

A new report distills lessons in community revitalization from Macon’s College Hill Corridor    

    New website helps nonprofits, other orgs navigate interactive storytelling projects

More at knightfoundation.org & on Twitter @knightfdn. Have a great day!follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  *|IF:LIST|* Copyright *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|* *|ELSE:|* Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|USER:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|USER:ADDRESS_HTML|* *|END:IF|*  unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences | view email in browser