$1.4 Million To Poynter To Expand NewsU E-learning Program – Knight Foundation

$1.4 Million To Poynter To Expand NewsU E-learning Program

From yesterday’s press release:

The grant will help NewsU expand in four key areas:

* Enhance the skills and digital abilities of journalists, * Find new ways to teach and inspire journalists as well as those without access to formal journalism training, * Increase news literacy, and * Use the Internet to deliver training in innovative and effective ways.

Specifically, NewsU plans to offer new courses to help journalists and others make the transition to a digital world, shift its current content management system to a Web 2.0 platform, deliver course content in multiple languages, and create e-learning modules on news literacy for the general public.

‘More than 73,000 participants have enrolled in NewsU courses since its introduction, vastly exceeding initial expectations and making NewsU the top e-learning destination for journalists and others interested in journalism,’ said Howard Finberg, director of interactive learning at The Poynter Institute. ‘We are excited about taking NewsU to the next level and reaching journalists around the world.’

Here’s the current course list.

Have you taken a course? What other courses would you like to see offered?