Jose Zamora participating in White House discussion on innovation through contests and open-grant making – Knight Foundation

Jose Zamora participating in White House discussion on innovation through contests and open-grant making

Jose Zamora, a Miami-based journalism program associate for Knight Foundation, is in Washington, D.C today, participating in an invitational gathering of the White House and Case Foundation. The one-day program, Promoting Innovation: Prizes, Challenges and Open Grant Making, is being billed as a public-private strategy session hosted by the White House Office on Science and Technology Policy, the Domestic Policy Council and the Case Foundation.

More than 200 participants are representing several dozen federal agencies and more than 20 corporations and organizations.’ Knight is one of two foundations invited to the roundtable to give advice on how contests and open grant making are driving innovation.

The meeting is designed to encourage citizen involvement in matters that affect them. That goal merges with the Obama Administration’s Open Government Directive, which seeks to elicit ideas from top American thinkers and doers to address the nation’s problems.

Knight Foundation has committed millions of dollars to a range of contests it sponsors to encourage innovation in journalism, the arts and community information and engagement. There’s the Knight News Challenge, the Knight Arts Challenge and the Knight Community Information Challenge.

Watch the live stream, Tweet your questions to #opengov.

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