Printcasting, WiredJournalists, BeatBlogging, Spot.Us, OffTheBus, Copy Editors, Newspaper Jobs – Knight Foundation

Printcasting, WiredJournalists, BeatBlogging, Spot.Us, OffTheBus, Copy Editors, Newspaper Jobs

Below, links to projects and news around some of the Knight News Challenge winners, their local news delivery projects, and other journalism posts from this week:

News Challenge winner Dan Pacheco asks for feedback on the Printcasting (a project to “make it possible for anyone to create a local print newspaper, magazine or newsletter with local ads”) interface:

Does the drag-and-drop interface work for you? Let Dan know here.


Fellow News Challenge winner Ryan Sholin (whose project Reporting On is “the backchannel for your beat”) reports that and are merging now exploring “cross-promotion” (per Ryan’s comment below).

Pat Thorton is taking BeatBlogging editorial reins from David Cohn, who has started working on his News Challenge project,; find out how Cohn addresses his early critics in this IdeaLab blog post. is part of News Challenge winner Jay Rosen’s distributed reporting project, and he talks about Beatblogging progress here.

(Recent buzz on Rosen has been around an OffTheBus experiment with Huffington Post; you can join the OffTheBus Special Ops team.)


Earlier this week, New York Times writer Lawrences Downes bemoaned the lack of copy editor presence at the Newseum; journalist David Sullivan offered an answer.

And this list of current newspaper jobs was posted (and pointed to from Ryan Sholin’s Twitter (a microblogging service) stream).

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