5/19/15 @knightfdn newsletter – Knight Foundation

5/19/15 @knightfdn newsletter

  Welcome to @knightfdn, your quick look at how Knight Foundation fosters informed and engaged communities.

Podcast network Radiotopia is redefining radio with $1 million in Knight support    

    Akron, Ohio’s new national choreography center will be second in the nation    

    Detroit Journalism Cooperative to explore the story of Detroit’s bankruptcy

    Newly launched Gehl Institute will explore how design can help build livable cities for all

The second round of the Knight Green Line Challenge opens on June 10     

Top insights on news, information and civic tech from the 2015 Media Learning Seminar    

A new crowdsourced symphony aims to answer the question: What does Akron sound like?     

More at knightfoundation.org & on Twitter @knightfdn. Have a great day!follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend *|IF:LIST|* Copyright *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|* *|ELSE:|* Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|USER:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|USER:ADDRESS_HTML|* *|END:IF|*  unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences | view email in browser