5/5/15 @knightfdn newsletter – Knight Foundation

5/5/15 @knightfdn newsletter

  Welcome to @knightfdn, your quick look at how Knight Foundation fosters informed and engaged communities.

    New report illustrates how Knight builds community through the arts

20 projects explore new uses of data, media and tech with support of Knight Prototype Fund    

New online archive celebrates work of composer John Cage with words, images and sound     

Community platform moves forward with Mozilla, The New York Times and The Washington Post    

    Pew Research study reveals open data efforts aren’t on the minds of most Americans

Detroit convening of community grantees seeks to ignite new ideas among innovators    

More at knightfoundation.org & on Twitter @knightfdn. Have a great day!follow on Twitter | friend on Facebook | forward to a friend  *|IF:LIST|* Copyright *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|LIST:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|HTML:LIST_ADDRESS_HTML|* *|ELSE:|* Copyright © *|CURRENT_YEAR|* *|USER:COMPANY|*, All rights reserved.Our mailing address is: *|USER:ADDRESS_HTML|* *|END:IF|*  unsubscribe from this list | update subscription preferences | view email in browser