A Conical Start on the Road to Digitization – Knight Foundation

A Conical Start on the Road to Digitization

Matthew Andress of Miami Dade’s Art in Public Places Program updates us on the department’s work since receiving a $30,000 grant in 2008…

“No, you did not read the headline wrong. This entry is not about a funny beginning. This entry expounds a cone riddled beginning. You see, since winning the Knight Arts Challenge award for our Art in Public Places program, we have been working to procure a new web-based collection management system….

We are working with Miami-Dade County Department of Procurement Management to acquire custom-built software. However, a County ordinance, known as the Cone of Silence, prevents me from disseminating much about the outcome of the process, since it is ongoing. The Cone of Silence ensures fair dealings with potential vendors.

Our end goal is a wholly web-based software environment. The proposed system will address multiple needs. First, it will allow our Art in Public Places staff access to collection management and artist relation functions. Additionally, the system will allow the public unparalleled access to objects in our collection, information about our program and documents in our archives. We aim for a one-stop-shop for information about the public art of Miami-Dade County.

Cone of Silence withstanding, I can tell you we have had much interest from potential vendors. In fact, dozens submitted proposals. We are working through the process and approaching the end. Expect to hear a big announcement soon.”