A Home for High School Newspapers Online – Knight Foundation

A Home for High School Newspapers Online

The American Society of News Editors’ site my.hsj.org hosts the largest collection of online student news sites we know about. The 2,961 sites include student-produced news from Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and even from a military base in Japan. The site publishes a weekly National Edition showcasing the best student pieces and has expanded its capacity to host students’ blogs.

The my.hsj site is the companion to highschooljournalism.org, which provides journalism teachers and students with lesson plans, mentoring partnerships with local daily papers, and created a campus wire service among member publications.

Diana Mitsu Klos is the Senior Project Director of the ASNE High School Journalism Initiative. She and her team incorporate students’ suggestions on the my.hsj blog into their educational programming and web site development.

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