Michelle Huttenhoff – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Michelle Huttenhoff

  • Communities

    The paradox of trying to be a good citizen in 2017 is that we are inundated with information, and yet it is still hard to be well-informed on local issues. It’s not something to take lightly. Whether we care about our schools, the environment or criminal justice reform, we all need quality news and information […]

    Article · February 13, 2017 by

  • Communities

    Ten years ago, Knight Foundation launched the Media Learning Seminar to respond to the rapid disruption occurring in journalism and media. We saw an opportunity to bring together community foundations with news and technology leaders to explore new ways to ensure people have the information they need and are engaged in efforts to make important […]

    Article · February 6, 2017 by

  • Communities

    A school principal rides a zipline as a way to bring attention to Give to the Max Day in Minnesota. Courtesy of GiveMN Day.  With the clock ticking for Give Local America on May 5, community foundations and others are finalizing plans for this national day of online giving. At Knight Foundation, we’ve been providing insights […]

    Article · April 14, 2015 by