Vicki Krueger – Knight Foundation
Articles by

Vicki Krueger

  • Journalism

    Above: A producer monitors the online conversation between Poynter faculty member Al Tompkins and interactive learning producer Vanessa Goodrum. Photo courtesy The Poynter Institute. Vicki Krueger is marketing communications manager at The Poynter Institute. She formerly was Poynter’s director of interactive learning, where she managed News University, the world’s largest journalism online learning platform. NewsU was launched in 2005 with funding from Knight Foundation. Today, Knight Foundation is announcing $758,000 in support to remake Poynter News University. […]

    Article · June 28, 2016 by

  • Journalism

    Vicki Krueger is director of interactive learning at The Poynter Institute, where she manages News University, an online journalism and media training program that launched in 2005 due to funding from Knight Foundation, which has provided substantial ongoing support. For a decade, journalists and the educators who teach aspiring ones have turned to Poynter’s News […]

    Article · April 10, 2015 by

  • Journalism

    Knight supports The Poynter Institute’s NewsU to enhance journalists’ digital skills. Here Vicki Krueger, its director of Interactive Learning, highlights some of its accomplishments. Above: Ellyn Angelotti, faculty, Digital Trends and Social Media; and Howard Finberg, director of Training Partnerships, Alliances and Founding Director of Poynter News University. Photo Credit: Jim Stem. With more than 275 training modules and users in more than […]

    Article · October 10, 2012 by