Beyond Bootcamp: Journalism and Ethics Panel – Knight Foundation

Beyond Bootcamp: Journalism and Ethics Panel

Last week, the University of Miami School of Communication held two sessions of Beyond Bootcamp multimedia workshops that ran for three days with training on the specific tracks of audio narratives, video narratives, online infographics, multimedia production, multimedia programming, and teaching multimedia.

UM Knight Chair in Visual Journalism Rich Beckman facilitated Friday’s discussion between the workshop faculty, toward the end bringing up questions of internationalization and audience (NYT Multimedia Editor Andrew DeVigal (@drewvigal) speaks about Mandarin translations):

A timely discussion given the recent launch of Global Post? What do you think?

Also, Alberto Cairo, a visual journalism professor at UNC Chapel Hill, talked about making information graphics easier to understand: Senior Multimedia Producer Jim Seida spoke strongly about the importance of ethics in journalism:

Washington Post Visual Journalist Travis Fox detailed the ethics of creating an accurate panorama:

and former Miami Herald General Counsel and UM Assistant Professor of Journalism Sam Terilli spoke on legal implications for journalists and newsrooms:

Comments? Thoughts? UM Senior Greg Linch’s personal blog has more detailed posts from the sessions.

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