Center for Public Integrity trying out Fast Flip – Knight Foundation

Center for Public Integrity trying out Fast Flip

On Monday, Google launched a product called Fast Flip, a new way for users to browse through articles from different Web sites. In this beta period, only a select group of publishers are included in the Fast Flip catalogue. One of them is a Knight grantee, the Center for Public Integrity. Here’s what Bill Buzenberg says about the effort on the Center’s blog:

In-depth, highly credible, fact-checked, no-stone-unturned investigative journalism is seldom going to appear as the highest post in a quick-hit search engine sweep. But with Google’s new Fast Flip service, the Center for Public Integrity sees hope. Here, at last, is a way for the deep-dive content we create to rise to the surface by a new algorithm.

Fast Flip, launched by Google Labs on Monday, offers a new way for users to view online media through an easy-to-use format that resembles magazine browsing. The Center is among dozens of publishers included in Fast Flip’s experimental launch.

There are still bugs to be worked out with Fast Flip such as making sure the Center’s most important investigative projects are there for flipping but we believe the work we do will find new audiences. And, if that happens, and if Fast Flip and the Center are successful, this can mean shared revenue for a non-profit investigative news organization. It goes without saying that investigative journalism is expensive, time consuming, and yes, risky. So, added revenue for the heavy-lifting investigative work we do is no small matter.

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