Contest for original songs against impunity announces winner – Knight Foundation

Contest for original songs against impunity announces winner

The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) has announced Juliana Castro of Argentina as the winner of the “Lend your Voice to the Voiceless” contest against impunity in the Americas for her song, “No Temas (Don’t Be Afraid).”

The ballad beat out original songs from the contest’s 22 finalists – including runners-up, Laura Vargas from Uruguay and the duet, Javier Vargas and Liliana Jiménez, of Colombia – and will serve as the organization’s anthem against anti-press violence in Latin America.  For her contribution, Castro will receive a cash prize of $5,000 and the opportunity to produce the piece professionally.

Castro, who wrote the song on her cell phone, describes her music as “a song for life which shows you how to defend an ideal.”

She sings,

“If somebody silenced your truth, it is because they were afraid of the impact it could have…  I sing for the dreams you might accomplish – no one can keep you from dreaming!  Don’t fear, keep moving forward, let’s unite our voices against impunity.  Let’s put our pride aside – who’s silencing us?  Don’t fear, keep moving forward against impunity.”

Listen to a full recording or watch her on video at

Knight Foundation has been a major supporter of the the Inter American Press Association since its inception.  To see how Knight is helping to put an end to crimes against journalists visit

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