Why Contests in Philanthropy Work: Report on Innovation and Grant-making – Knight Foundation

Why Contests in Philanthropy Work: Report on Innovation and Grant-making

Michael Smith, Vice President, Social Innovation, Case Foundation, Tim McClimon, President and CEO, American Express Foundation, Jose Zamora, Journalism Program Associate, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Claire Lyons, Manager, Global Grant Portfolios, PepsiCo Foundation / Pepsi Refresh, Jim Shelton, Assistant Deputy Secretary for Innovation and Improvement, Department of Education

Earlier this year the White House and the Case Foundation organized a gathering of more than 200 professionals from government agencies, the private sector and nonprofit organizations to discuss the use of challenges and contests in grant-making.

If you missed the event ‘ the organizers released a 9-page report called Promoting Innovation:’ Prizes, Challenges and Open Grantmaking.’ It provides the highlights of the event and the five do’s and don’ts of using prizes, and was written by Brad Rourke, an engagement advisor in Maryland.

Knight Foundation’s Jose Zamora attended the event ‘ he’s pictured right with Tim McClimon from the American Express Foundation.’ The Knight Foundation runs a number of contests and challenges  including the Knight Arts Challenge, the Knight Community Information Challenge and the Knight News Challenge.

‘At Knight Foundation we are excited about being part of the national discussion on promoting innovation through contests and open grant-making,’ said Zamora. ‘We want to learn from the great work others are doing and share lessons and strategies learned to help anyone entering this field.’

The Knight News Challenge, now in its fourth year, awards as much as $5 million a year for innovative ideas that inform and engage communities.’ The 2010 contest will open this fall – for more news stay tuned!

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