The Dangers of Covering Corruption: New Report Probes Safeguarding of Investigative Journalists – Knight Foundation

The Dangers of Covering Corruption: New Report Probes Safeguarding of Investigative Journalists

Last week, the Center for International Media Assistance (CIMA) released a new report ‘ Covering Corruption: The Difficulties of Trying to Make a Difference.

‘Covering corruption is more dangerous than covering war,’ writes the report’s author, Rosemary Armao.

Joel Simon, executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), says exposes of corruption are ‘the kind of journalism that has a lot of martyrs.” Knight Foundation supports CPJ in its mission to reduce impunity and seek justice for slain journalists. Knight helped the Inter American Press Association significantly reduce impunity rates in Latin America.

Recommendations from the report focus on measures for the safety of reporters, a critical need for a rethink of investigative journalism training, and the growing use of digital technology to empower journalists and communities ‘ three areas in which Knight Foundation actively awards grants.

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