Protecting the Press: CPJ’s New Report Exposes Violence in Mexico – Knight Foundation

Protecting the Press: CPJ’s New Report Exposes Violence in Mexico

Mexico is a dangerous place for journalists:’ More than 30 have disappeared or been murdered since 2006.’ As the drug war intensifies, violence, corruption, and threats escalate.’ In response, the press self-censor and ‘publish the minimum’ to survive.

The Committee to Protect Journalists‘ September 2010 report is ‘Silence or Death in Mexico’s Press: Crime, Violence, and Corruption Are Destroying the Country’s Journalism.’

The report makes clear that the bloodshed, impunity and self-censorship will undermine freedom of expression in the country.’ It warns that ‘unless the Mexican government takes bold action, the narcos will continue to define what is news and what is not.’

The Committee to Protect JournalistsGlobal Campaign Against Impunity is supported by Knight Foundation.’ Alberto Ibargüen, Knight Foundation’s President and CEO has worked to protect journalists in Latin America as part of the’Inter American Press Association. He received a Maria Moors Cabot citation from’Columbia University, and’an honorary Doctor of Letters from George Washington University’for his efforts.

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