Crossroads Charlotte Premieres – Knight Foundation

Crossroads Charlotte Premieres

Last night, four films showing possible futures for Charlotte, North Carolina were screened at six different area locations as part of Crossroads Charlotte, a project funded by Knight.

Image by Justin Ruckman

Justin Ruckman blogged:

Writer Alan Moore famously said in the Watchmen that the best way to engage your audience in a piece of fiction was to start out with the most tragic thing you could imagine. And Crossroads Charlotte: The Movie did just that. Starting with a scenario entitled Fortress Charlotte, gang members were involved in a drive-by shooting, an eight-year old girl was checked for weaponry via metal detector and an Iraq war veteran was denied entry into a homeless shelter ‘ in the first few minutes. Ouch.

I never thought I would know what it would be like to live in Detroit, but now I think I do.

At the end of the pain, actual stats about city problems were displayed as we transitioned into the next scenario, lending creedence to the possibility of such a world coming to fruition. A trend that continued between each scenario.

The six locations were connected by video before the film; after the film, the audience discussed the different outcomes for the city and passed the microphone. Tonya Jameson has more on her blog.

The new also launched last night, and has ways for community members to post events and stay in touch:


Congrats to the Crossroads Charlotte team on the site launch; what questions do you have on the possible future scenarios for Charlotte?

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