danah boyd on e-literacy – Knight Foundation

danah boyd on e-literacy

Knight Commission member danah boyd speaks on e-literacy at the Forum on Communication and Society at the Aspen Institute:danah boyd on e-literacy from Knight Foundation on Vimeo.

This conference, sponsored by Knight, brings together some of the brightest minds in media. Below is a partial list of attendees.

  • Madeleine Albright (former Secretary of State)
  • Philip Bennett (Managing Editor of Washington Post Company)
  • Reed Hundt (former FCC chair)
  • Paula Kerger (President and CEO, PBS)
  • Bill Kling (President and CEO American Public Media)
  • Marissa Meyer (VP search and user experience Google)
  • Craig Newmark (founder, Craigslist)
  • Ted Olson (former Solicitor General)
  • Andrew Prozes (CEO Nexis Lexis)
  • Philip Rosedale (founder Second Life)
  • Paul Sagan (CEO Akamai)
  • Cyrus Krohn (runs e-campaign for McCain)

The Paris Hilton video response to the McCain ad definitely got everyone’s attention here and has been discussed as one example for the changed nature of media in the 2008 election. I’m posting more detailed conference notes (in a stream-of-consciousness style too lengthy for this blog) at www.mytribune.com.