Dave McKenzie at MOCA – Knight Foundation

Dave McKenzie at MOCA

Congratulations to Roselaure Mimi, who last Saturday was chosen by Jamaican-born New York-based artist, Dave McKenzie as the winner of a dinner date with the artist, all part of his interactive raffle piece titled “It’s a Date.”

Anyone who’s been to MOCA’s summer long Convention exhibition, has probably noticed the unsuspecting clear plastic ballot box, gradually filling with slips of paper as the months roll by. In the work, McKenzie invited museum goers to place their contact info into the box for a chance to win a dinner with the artist – his treat.

McKenzie’s work often toys with ideas of social interaction. Here’s an artist who once distributed pre-printed date books listing his whereabouts for the entire year, and then dedicated himself to being at all these locations at the specified dates and times just to see if anyone would show up. A similar methodology runs through “It’s a Date,” where McKenzie experiments with social situations and creates possibilities for unlikely encounters. In order for the work to succeed it demands active engagement from the viewer, a common thread in McKenzie’s art.


Take for instance the sculpture, “Yesterday’s Newspaper,” a low wooden platform that calls for the owner/caretaker to everyday place a fresh copy of yesterday’s newspaper on top of it.

As part of MOCA’s “Workshop” guest speaker series McKenzie was on hand at the museum to lecture about these and other works.

Museum of Contemporary Art: 770 NE 125 St, North Miami; 305-93-6211; mocanomi.org