Detroit Residents Tackle Four Playgrounds in One Day With KaBOOM! and Knight – Knight Foundation

Detroit Residents Tackle Four Playgrounds in One Day With KaBOOM! and Knight

Hundreds of volunteers from around the Detroit region participated in’four KaBOOM! playground builds Saturday.’ Two sites, Starlight Baptist and Jude Baptist, are faith-based organizations with strong community ties.’ The Jude playground is connected to a community center that includes a daycare for residents on Detroit’s east side.

Focus Hope chose Paul Robeson Academy to partner with and the place was packed with children from the school doing their part in the build.’ The school band entertained the volunteers and the cheer team motivated folks to proceed even with the threat of inclement weather. Congressman John Conyers told a story about knowing Paul Robeson, the actor and political activist for whom the school was named.’ Other elected officials were in attendance including Wayne County Commissioner Keith Williams.’ Commissioner Williams contributed the match funds to support the project build.

At ACCESS in Dearborn, the build had a hip hop flare.’ The music kept the volunteers in an upbeat mode while their spirit for supporting their community was shared by all.’ Mothers brought food and a local firefighter brought the fire trucks and entertained the small children.

Some of the people who volunteered got so excited they volunteered to do more for the organizations building the playgrounds.

Knight Foundation is funding volunteers to build 13 playgrounds in five cities this year in an effort to engage residents in strengthening their community.