Newsroom attitudes about digital change – Knight Foundation

Newsroom attitudes about digital change

Marly Falcon is a contributing blogger at Knight Foundation

Journalists are anxious to shift from print-only responsibilities in the newsroom to multimedia responsibilities, according to the survey’ ‘Life beyond print: Newspaper journalists’ digital appetite’. The survey is part of a report issued by the Media Management Center.

Out of almost 3,800 journalists in print, online or hybrid jobs at 79 U.S. newspapers surveyed, most were found to be involved in digital activities within their personal lives and wanting the same digital involvement at the workplace.

The typical newspaper newsroom in 2009, according to Life beyond print, has six types of journalists ranging from the ‘Digitals’ who spend a great deal of time online, to the ‘Turn Back the Clock’ type, who wish print was still the ultimate ruler. As the chart’shows, there also’is the extreme ‘Major Shift’ group, which’would give five times its effort to online if it could. And the'”Moderately More” group, which would like its digital and print efforts to be equal within the newsroom.

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