Do You Haiku? – Knight Foundation

Do You Haiku?

Dollar bills slipping through your hands like fish – three days left to write haiku.

Send us your best 17 syllables for a chance at $500 with’s first haiku contest. Just three more days to apply. We’re looking for prose addressing the Miami-Dade County Commission’s review of public arts funding. Feel free to be as political and provocative as you like – no limits.

What:’s first haiku contest

When: Now through Nov 21 at

Why: Cash prizes!

Who: Any & all budding & professional poets

How: Click here to apply & get additional details.

Rules: All haiku should be in the traditional format of 5-7-5: 5 syllables for the first line, 7 forthe second and 5 for the third. Rhyme is NOT a requirement. Submit as many as you like, as many times as you like (with each haiku entered separately). All entries will be reviewed by a blind panel of judges.