EveryBlock releases special “Operation Crooked Code” report – Knight Foundation

EveryBlock releases special “Operation Crooked Code” report

EveryBlock is a Knight News Challenge project that filters local news down to the block and neighborhood levels in Chicago, New York, and San Francisco.

The EveryBlock team has just released its first “special report,” a new category for information that is too unique for other site categories and deserving of special editorial insertion in the EveryBlock system.

The first report is on the recent Chicago FBI corruption probe “Operation Crooked Code”; the blog post introducing the special reports is here, and the report itself is here.

Pieces of this first special report are integrated into the rest of the Chicago EveryBlock site; EveryBlock leader Adrian Holovaty explains,

We’ve found that this really helps the news feel closer to home, so to speak. Hearing about these indictments in the news is one thing, but finding out a bribe allegedly took place at the Dunkin Donuts by your office puts things in a new perspective.

For more on EveryBlock, watch Holovaty’s opening keynote at Where 2.0 (the O’Reilly conference on the geospatial web) below: And, find out how to make custom maps with free tools from EveryBlocker Paul Smith and slick, accessible charts from EveryBlocker Wilson Miner.

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