Evolve. Embrace. Reinvent.
Jose Zamora is a Journalism Program Associate at Knight Foundation Ford and Knight Foundation partnered to support the participation of 76 journalists and students at The National Association of Hispanic Journalists (NAHJ) convention.
Recognizing that the media landscape is in flux, the theme of the 27th annual NAHJ conference was: “Evolve.’ Embrace. Reinvent.” And the focus was on multimedia and digital journalism.
The program was designed to help journalists acquire the multimedia and technological skills they need to keep their jobs, find new ones or grow professionally.
There were thirty-three sessions offering multimedia skills that ranged from how to Blog and use Twitter to how to Podcast, stream live video and create Mashups.
The Knight Digital Media Center held a Multimedia Bootcamp, where conference attendees could learn the basic skills needed for multimedia storytelling and get hands-on training on how to record audio, take photos and shoot videos for the Web.
David Ardia, the director of the Citizen Media Law Project, moderated a panel on online media law and ethics that focused on legal issues that might arise from the daily practice of online journalism to legal and ethical issues related to user generated content and the bloggosphere.
If you are interested in learning digital media skills and on getting hands-on training, please start by visiting:
Knight Digital Media Center J-Lab – The Institute for Interactive Journalism Knight Citizen News Network Citizen Media Law Project Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas
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