Expanding access to nonpartisan elections information online through the League of Women Voters’ vote411.org – Knight Foundation

Expanding access to nonpartisan elections information online through the League of Women Voters’ vote411.org

Jeanette Senecal is senior director of elections for the League of Women Voters. Today Knight Foundation is announcing $100,000 in support to expand access to nonpartisan elections information. Photos are courtesy of the League of Women Voters.

The 2016 presidential campaign is in full swing; numerous debates have already occurred, and primaries and caucuses will start in just a few weeks. With the first votes of the election season less than two months away, the League of Women Voters Education Fund is diligently working to ensure voters will have the information they need when they head to the polls – first for their state’s primaries and caucuses as well as the general election on Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Thanks to support provided by Knight Foundation, the League of Women Voters will provide at least 1 million more voters, including 200,000 from underrepresented communities, nonpartisan election information in 2016. To do this, we will expand access to our award-winning online elections resource, vote411.org, through partnerships with government agencies, media outlets, elections officials and other nonprofit organizations.

Research consistently shows that once a person has voted, she is more likely to vote again. That’s why the league is so committed to ensuring all voters, especially new voters and those from underrepresented communities, can have their elections questions easily answered in one place. Every ballot that is cast allows each voter to take control and tell political leaders what issues matter most to them.

With vote411.org, voters can create a personalized voting guide that provides the information they need for Election Day, including early and absentee voting options; details on polling locations; what, if any, ID is required; and what to expect on their ballot, from candidates to ballot initiatives, as well as hear directly from candidates about their vision for America’s future.

On Election Day 2016, tens of thousands of offices will be up for election – from president of the United States to every member of the House of Representatives and thousands of important state and local offices. Candidates for these offices, from local to state to federal, are asking for the job of representing us. If elected, the decisions they make will influence public policy for years to come. Every vote helps to decide who gets the job and what policies will be implemented. At the League of Women Voters we fiercely believe in bringing more voters into the process to have a say on the issues facing our country.

After 95 years of Making Democracy Work, the League of Women Voters continues to build on its legacy of empowering people across the country to make their voices heard in the political process and to keep the power of our democracy in the hands of people. Volunteers with the League of Women Voters will register hundreds of thousands of new voters, provide nonpartisan information on the candidates through millions of printed and online resources, and host hundreds of debates and forums, as well as serve as poll workers, poll monitors and, in some cases, drivers helping voters get to the polls throughout 2016.

Thanks to Knight Foundation, the League of Women Voters will continue Making Democracy Work in this critical election year. Its support will help us build a democracy where more voters have easy access to reliable elections information.