Experts meet to review next round of #newschallenge apps – Knight Foundation

Experts meet to review next round of #newschallenge apps

Photo Credit: Jose Zamora

Today in Miami, 19 experts are reading and voting on the projects moving on to the next round of the News Challenge on Networks.

We’d like to thank the following people who are dedicating their time and energy to helping us with this process:

Hannah Eaves/LinkTV

Cody Elmore/University of Nebraska

Seth Flaxman/TurboVote

Daniel Greene/Gates Foundation

Elise Hu/NPR

Raina Kumra/Agency for Holistic Branding / Juggernaut

Melinda Lee/Uncensored Interview

Scott Lewis /

Olivia Ma/YouTube

Colin Maclay/Berkman Center

Aron Pilhofer/NYTimes

David Porter/Video Journalist

Nick Reville/Participatory Culture Foundation

David Rosenberg/Foursquare

Dan Sinker/Mozilla

Karen Wickre/Twitter

Ethan Zuckerman/MIT Media Lab

Our goal is to leave today’s meeting with 10-15 projects that we will explore even more deeply over the next couple of weeks. We expect to bring 4-6 of those for consideration by Knight Foundation trustees in mid-June, and publicly announce the winners at MIT on June 18.

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