f(r)acture: divisions in painting at Dorsch Gallery – Knight Foundation

f(r)acture: divisions in painting at Dorsch Gallery

Karen Seapker Moment, Oh, Mori, 2009 Oil on panel 38 x 50 in.

We can usually expect to see good painting exhibitions at Dorsch Gallery, f(r)acture: divisions in painting, was no exception. With the diversity in styles having the space between works definitely gave them enough breathing room so as to not be a visual (negative) influence on those in closest proximity. However, there is enough similarity, mostly in terms of colour palette, that such an assessment probably doesn’t really fly well.

In particular, I found Jane Parshall’s two works, Mary Kelly 1 and, Mary Kelly 2, subtle, dreamy but, intensely muted colours and, her delicate, sensitive drawn strokes that seem more like a drawing than a painting in some ways. They are smallis, 15 x 14.25 inches however, that also allows for intimate viewing, and that’s what brings these works to life.

With Brandon Oplaka one finds hidden within his abstraction the reality of a world he envelopes and dresses in ways that is very personal. He has taken the little baby’s face in the clouds of intentional fallacy and turned it into a way of seeing that is not a fallacy but, a vision of his own. What you see may not be what he saw but it is what he wants you to see.

Dorsch Gallery

Jane Parshall Mary Kelly 1, 2009 Oil, house paint on canvas 15 x 14.25 in.

Dorsch Gallery

Brandon Oplaka Vice Versa, 2009 Acrylic, oil on canvas 32.5 x 27 in.

Dorsch Gallery

David Marsh Untitled (Faith), 2009 Oil, alkyd, acrylic, cotton and toilet paper on velvet 62 x 52 in.

Dorsch Gallery 151 NW 24th St. Miami, FL 305-576-1278

Exhibition: 13 June – 18 July, 2009

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