Future of Journalism #futurej Senate Hearing Links
Below, some links we’ve gathered from yesterday’s Senate Subcommittee on Communications, Technology, and the Internet hearing on the future of journalism and a proposed bill from Senator Cardin that newspapers be nonprofits and, as AP writer Andrew Miga put it (printed in the Chicago Tribune), would
no longer be able to make political endorsements but could report on all issues including political campaigns. Advertising and subscription revenue would be tax-exempt and contributions to support coverage could be tax deductible.
Please tell us about articles, posts, tweets we missed in the comments.
Follow the Twitter stream through the hashtag #futurej.
Watch archived video of the session on the C-SPAN3 page or below (it begins at 60:00):
Read all the prepared remarks (.pdf format) from the second panel (following Senator Ben Cardin) of Marissa Mayer (VP Search and User Experience, Google), Alberto Ibarügen (President, Knight Foundation), David Simon (Author, TV producer, Former Newspaperman), Steve Coll (Former Managing Editor, Washington Post), James Moroney (Publisher/CEO, Dallas Morning News), and Arianna Huffington (Co-founder and Editor-in-Chief, Huffington Post).
Senator Kerry’s prepared remarks (he moderated the hearing).
CJR (Columbia Journalism Review) live blogged the hearing. (“Never thought I’d hear John Kerry, a man who fell 60,000 votes short of the presidency, talking about The New York Times’s nearly 500,000 Facebook friends.”)
Amy Gahran (@gahran) tweeted throughout:
Michael Calderone on Politico: “Most of the tough questions from Senators, or raised by fellow panelists, were directed at Huffington and her business model of aggregating the content of newspapers.”
Arianna Huffington blogged about the hearing: “I have to admit, my favorite moment of the hearing came when Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington, during her questioning of the panel, said she likes reading HuffPost on her BlackBerry and held it up.”
Joshua Zumbrun noted six ideas from the hearing in Forbes.com: “Will these six ideas save American journalism? Probably not. But at least it’s a lot cheaper than the $700 billion forked over to the banks.”
Leena Rao posted on TechCrunch that “Arianna Huffington Says Online Journalists May Have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.”
What did you think of the hearing?
Let us know in the comments below; you can also leave comments (and video comments) on Knight Pulse, our community site about the future of news here.
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