Get your #newschallenge questions answered – Knight Foundation

Get your #newschallenge questions answered

Innovation happens quickly: there’s just 12 more days to submit your Knight News Challenge application on the theme of Networks.

Still thinking about how to best formulate your idea? Have a question that isn’t answered in the FAQ? This week, at 12 p.m. EST Wednesday, join us for a Google+ Hangout with Knight Foundation’s Michael Maness, vice president for Journalism and Media Innovation, John Bracken, director/Journalism and Media Innovation and Jose Zamora, Journalism Program Associate at Knight Foundation.  Can’t make it to the hangout on Wednesday? You can reach us anytime at @knightfdn on Twitter or via e-mail at [email protected].

Heading to SXSW? We’ll be holding “Office Hours” for those who have questions related to the challenge. Stay tuned @knightfdn for times and locations.

For the Challenge, Knight is looking for ideas that build on the rise of existing network events and tools – that deliver news and information and extend our understanding of the phenomenon.

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