Head of Knight Center Goes “Beyond the Gloom” with New Blog on Salon.com – Knight Foundation

Head of Knight Center Goes “Beyond the Gloom” with New Blog on Salon.com

Salon.com has a new voice: Dan Gillmor, director of the Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship at Arizona State University.

Gillmor’s blog will “provide media and technology coverage that looks beyond the gloom to ways we can create better, more trustworthy content,’ he said. In his first entries, Gillmor has written about Apple’s defense of its newer, sterner restrictions on app content, and expressed his skepticism with Facebook’s ever-evolving privacy policies.

A former business and technology columnist at the San Jose Mercury News, Gillmor is the author of We the Media: Grassroots Journalism, by the People, for the People, which focuses on the rise of citizen media and its impact. The Knight Center for Digital Media Entrepreneurship, which Knight Foundation funds and Gillmor heads, strives to get young entrepreneurs to think outside the box and produce innovative, realistic and sustainable digital media.

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