How can foundations make the challenge match requirement? Knight’s Susan Patterson answers – Knight Foundation

How can foundations make the challenge match requirement? Knight’s Susan Patterson answers

The Knight Community Information Challenge is accepting applications from community and place-based foundations seeking matching funding for news and information projects. Join us at 4 p.m. Thursday at for an online Q and A session with Knight program staff, to ask your questions about the challenge.

Below, Program Director Susan Patterson answers an often-asked query.

Susan Patterson

One of the first questions many foundations have when considering an application to the Knight Community Information Challenge is: How can we make the match requirement?

The good news is: Many different ways.

Knight wants to build a partnership with our foundation grantee but wants you to have “skin in the game.” We also understand that many community foundations have limited unrestricted dollars to invest. What we need from you is the commitment to meet the match and a plan and fairly quick timetable for doing so, once your proposal has been approved.

So, what are other sources?

If you’re a community foundation, it could be from Donor-Advised Funds that you hold and help manage. Dollars could come from other private foundations interested in the project. In some cases, your project partner, such as a public radio station, for example, may have contributors interested in your project and can help with fund-raising. p> In all cases, Knight is looking for a cash match to our grant dollars. While we understand the value of in-kind contributions to the success of any project, in-kind gifts will not fulfill the match requirement.

We hope this flexibility in how to meet the match will eliminate that barrier to participation for most.

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