Inorganic Organic – Knight Foundation

Inorganic Organic

Sometimes the most commonly overlooked object(s) can make the most beautiful sculptures. On 8 August, at Praxis-International Maria Ines Escobar created a field of sculptures from some commonly overlooked object(s). So many people around the world lace up their shoes and head out the door. Obviously shoelaces can be part of one’s stylistic presence with multiple colors, double and triple lacings. Seeing such a fashion statement would indeed be fascinating.

Maria Ines Escobar got her initial idea when she encountered a man selling shoelaces on the street back in her native Colombia. Since he wouldn’t sell her any shoelaces at wholesale costs she got them on her own and began experimenting.

shoelaces Arequipa

Her masses of shoelaces, suspended from the rafters, have a very organic feel to them. As they rise from the ground, their forms almost bring to mind fields of gigantic worms waiting to attack its next food source, a human, if they walk too close. However, upon closer inspection we see their lifeless forms and know that we humans are safe.

Praxis International Art 229 NW 2nd Ave. Miami, Florida 33127 USA Tel: 305-573-2900