International Center for Journalists’ new website details impact of projects around the globe – Knight Foundation

International Center for Journalists’ new website details impact of projects around the globe

The International Center for Journalists recently launched its new website with more content now available. The new homepage provides updates on “Latest Developments” and “Featured Programs,” which highlights recent activities of the center’s work.

“We are now of the mindset that you must be constantly refreshing your website in order to communicate better information,” said Joyce Barnathan, president of International Center For Journalists. “One of the things we wanted to do was show the impact of the center and now we can in ‘our impact’ section.”

The new features also include a directory of projects run by Knight International Journalism Fellows, up-to-date blogs and videos, a ‘donate now’ section, online journalism courses and a link to IJNET, ICFJ’s multilingual networking site for aspiring journalists globally. IJNET’s website today has visitors from 180 countries, with over 800 training opportunities in seven languages. 

According to Barnathan, “IJNET, which is supported by Knight Foundation, provides the latest journalism training opportunities in 7 languages [Arabic, Chinese, English, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish and Russian]; it’s used not just for networking but creating great global trends.” On Oct. 20, IJNET announced the launch of its mobile site, which makes this popular resource available through any handheld device.

Especially useful in navigating the center’s international work is its “interactive map,” which allows users to locate projects around the world.

According to Ben Colmery, deputy director of the Knight International Journalism Fellowships, the map has allowed users to follow ICFJ’s global activities with ease: “A very cool thing about the map is that you can see around the world what exactly the Knight Fellowships have been doing. We want people to turn to the website and say this is easy, important, and has helped raise funds.” 

Nancy Shalhub, a senior at University of Miami studying Political Science and Mass Communications, wrote this post for KnightBlog.

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