Investigative reports by The Lens lead to City of New Orleans investigation – Knight Foundation

Investigative reports by The Lens lead to City of New Orleans investigation

Gloria’s restaurant in Gert Town, 2007 photo by

The City of New Orleans Inspector General is probing a local nonprofit organization following a series of investigative articles published by The Lens, a Knight Community Information Challenge grant winner.

According to The Lens, the financial documentation for the Gert Town Revival Initiative is quite incomplete — and too much of the $404,000 it received to revitalize the area may have gone to the salary of organization’s president—and to rent on the building that houses both her home and officers for the organization.

The Inspector General’s office says it’s now in the process of obtaining documents from the city to determine whether GRI committed any wrongdoing in how it spent the hundreds of thousands of dollars —and The Lens was the trigger for both greater oversight by the city and the new investigation.

City officials first announced they were scheduling a monitoring visit of the organization after The Lens published its original story, with a follow-up story days later.

The Knight Community Information Challenge encourages community foundations to fund news and information projects that inform and engage communities. The Lens is funded through the Greater New Orleans Foundation.

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