January at BFI
There’s a lot to look forward to this month at the Bas Fisher Invitational alternative art space. Tonight at 7:30 p.m., Barron Sherer, Clifton Childree, and Kevin Arrow host a film festival of sorts, with a simultaneous showing of “abridged” versions of disaster classics Earthquake and Airport on outmoded Super 8 format.
January 9 will be an exhibition titled “This Was The Brief and Happy Life of Workshop Workshop.” This show continues from last year’s Design Miami fair, when local poets, writers, and artists P. Scott Cunningham, Keith McCulloch, Jim Drain, and a slew of others got together to hold an zine-making workshop that ran through the duration of the fair (and was an interesting contrast to the design and furniture pieces that usually make up the fair).

The result was 17 editions of limited run zines. For those who missed them, you can see them this Saturday at the BFI along with the some of the finished original work that went into them as well as other work that didn’t make the cut.
And finally, on January 12 Theory Night returns to the Bas Fisher with a discussion on David Foster Wallace’s E Unibus Pluram: Television and US Fiction essay at 7 p.m., open to all.
Bas Fisher Invitational: 180 NE 39th St, Miami, suite 210; [email protected]; basfisherinvitational.com