@JCZamora: 10 tweets for aspiring journalism entrepreneurs – Knight Foundation

@JCZamora: 10 tweets for aspiring journalism entrepreneurs

10. See failure as something positive -a learning opportunity- most start-ups fail. Use what you learned to launch your next idea. #CNJ595

9. Have 50 ideas, not just one. One of them will stick. #CNJ595 (I have to attribute this one to @digidave)

8. Partner. i.e. @JLab‘s CommunityNewsNetwork @miamiherald @PatchTweet @examinercom @grandavenews @kdmc Maximize res’ (cont) http://deck.ly/~3Rtvo

7. Think about how to sustain your project long term from the beginning. You need demand & business model. Grant funding runs out. #CNJ595 6. Launch! Use opportunities like #newschallenge #infoneeds @knightarts @JLab‘s New Voices & other resources to launch and have a proof of concept. #CNJ595

5. Have an amazing 30 second elevator pitch. #CNJ595

4. Don’t reinvent the wheel. The best innovations make new/better uses of things that already exist. Try using free online tools. #CNJ595

3. If similar projects to the one you are proposing exist, explain why yours is different and better. #CNJ595

2. Research. Make sure that what you are proposing to do doesn’t exist & that there is demand for it. #CNJ595

1. Be passionate about what you are proposing to do. Successful projects have passionate founders.#CNJ595

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