Job: News Challenge seeks a social marketing ninja – Knight Foundation

Job: News Challenge seeks a social marketing ninja

One of the really exciting Knight Foundation projects is the News Challenge, a yearly contest to fund ideas about the future of local news delivery.

On May 14th, we announced the 2008 winners; for the 2009 round, we’re seeking a social media marketing ninja to increase visibility, manage deliverables with media partners, track metrics and encourage community growth, conduct e-mail and blog outreach campaigns, and help plan amazing events.

The right person will have a developed network of contacts and expertise in promoting through social media channels.

The contact job is 25 hours a week from July 1 to September 30, 2008, and the search begins today.

For all the details, the job description is here.

To apply, e-mail Marc Fest (fest {at} knightfoundation {dot} org).