Join J-Lab’s ‘From Competitor to Collaborator’ topic today at ASNE – Knight Foundation

Join J-Lab’s ‘From Competitor to Collaborator’ topic today at ASNE

Big successes in the J-Lab/Knight Networked Journalism project will be spotlighted at this year’s ASNE convention. Check out the 3 p.m. Monday workshop, where speakers from the Seattle Times, Miami Herald and Charlotte Observer will discuss how they have launched ‘ and grown ‘ new partnerships with local blogs and niche sites in their communities.

For a preview of the project, see what the Seattle Times is doing:

The convention is meeting at the J.W. Marriott, in Washington, D.C.

J-Lab, with Knight funding, has provided some support for a project coordinator at the newspapers and honoraria for the first five partners in each of the networks. But more partners have come on board since the project launched late last summer. Other partners are in Asheville, N.C., and Tucson.

  • Jan Schaffer, Executive Director, J-Lab: The Institute for Interactive Journalism
  • Steve Gunn, editor for innovative and new products, The Charlotte Observer
  • Rick Hirsch, Senior Editor/multimedia, The Miami Herald
  • Bob Payne, Director of Communities,, Seattle

Twitter: If you tweet this event please tag it #netj. Also look for’#asne10, and’#jlab

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