A Better, Digital Future for Journalism Education – Knight Foundation

A Better, Digital Future for Journalism Education

Yesterday Times Higher Education, the educational publication of the Times of London, reported the ‘reboot’ of journalism education in the United States touching on some of the most pressing, and exciting, issues regarding the future of the news industry and what it means for aspiring journalists.

‘The opportunities have never been greater. The risks are higher. And that attracts really smart people — people who are not afraid of taking risks,’ said Knight Foundation journalism program vice president’Eric Newton in the article.

Author Jon Marcus highlighted many Knight Foundation grantees as journalism education leaders. They include Northwestern University, City University of New York (CUNY), Arizona State University and the News21 initiative that Knight supports with the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Each has taken bold, innovative steps to help journalism education embrace the digital age.

The Times Higher Education piece quoted John Lavine, dean at Northwestern University, talking about providing information in the digital age: ‘Journalism,” he said, “is informing people so they can make smarter decisions in the midst of this cacophony, this tidal wave of facts.’

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