Journalism Fellowships in Non-Tradtional Media
Reflecting what’s going on in the news community, journalism fellowship winners this year show increasing levels of entrepreneurship and innovation. ‘ James Bettinger, director of the John S. Knight Fellowship program at Stanford, told The New York Times the number of fellowship applicants from daily newspapers last year was lower than ever before. ‘ Check out MIT’s twelve Knight Science Journalism Fellows, which include a blogger and two freelance writers. ‘ The’Nieman Foundation for Journalism at Harvard awarded John S. and James L. Knight Foundation Latin American’Nieman fellowships to two journalists: Alejandra Matus’is a freelance journalist prosecuted for her book “The Black Book of Chilean Justice” and Boris Munoz is editor in chief of’Exceso magazine. ‘ The spring 2009 issue of the Foundation’s’Nieman Reports included articles by Madeline Drexler, a former Science Journalism Fellow, and Andres Cavelier, a former Latin American’Nieman Fellow. Other Knight Foundation grantees mentioned include MinnPost‘s Joel Kramer, Spot.us‘s Alexis Madrigal, Andrew Donahue and Scott Lewis of the Voice of San Diego, and Margaret Wolf Freivogel at the St. Louis Beacon. ‘ Not all fellows are refugees from traditional media. Rona Kobell is working on The Baltimore Sun’s “Bay & Environment” blog, and Darrell Bowling is writing about diversity in news coverage for MSNBC.com. Both journalists are Knight-Wallace Fellows studying at the University of Michigan.
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