First easy to use database of journalism programs worldwide – Knight Foundation

First easy to use database of journalism programs worldwide

With help from Knight Foundation, The World Journalism Education Council (WJEC) has launched a new project to help journalism educators get better organized.’ The project, named the World Journalism Education Census,’It aims to provide a complete directory of programs at universities worldwide with links to university websites and information about the programs.

2,338 journalism programs are currently active in the census ‘ sorted by country.’ This Knight-funded initiative provides shows students, teachers and professionals which universities do what and how to contact them.

Journalism projects that desire international assistance can use this tool to find institutional partners, and the work can also be used for further studies and research. Users have included visitors from 135 countries.

The census is constantly vetted for accuracy and completeness. ‘In addition to the international programs in other countries, the council has also identified 371 international programs among the 480 U.S. programs listed, and will complete this task in the fall.

WJEC also issued the’Declaration of Universal Principles of Journalism Education which were approved in June 2007 as principles to serve as a standard for journalism education worldwide. The website also has a video of this declaration.

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