Karen Peterson Dance Remix – Knight Foundation

Karen Peterson Dance Remix

For 20 years, Karen Peterson and Dancers have been pushing the boundary of physical ability and dance. Which is all very nice. But this is no experiment in social equity. This “mixed-ability” company has nurtured some of the best dancers in down, including the remarkable John Beauregard and Marjorie Burnett. As choreographer Peterson reveals again and again, what is least remarkable about them is what might be termed their physical disabilities.

Rumor has it that Peterson’s latest work, in collaboration with video artist Maria Lino, is her best yet. If, like me, you missed a showcase of “Mano a Mano” last spring, we’ll all have a second chance this Saturday.

Karen Peterson Dancers: Mixed-Ability Video Dance 20th Anniversary takes place on Saturday, October 3 at 4pm and 8pm at the Byron Carlyle Theater, 500 71st Street, Miami Beach. Tickets cost $20. 305-298-5879. www.karenpetersondancers.org