Knight Chair leads conversation with sports journalists in wake of alleged Penn State sex abuse scandal
Update – Dec. 2: Watch the video from the session, “Covering Controversy,” with Penn State’s Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society Malcolm Moran and leading journalists. More info on the event is below.
Tonight, a conversation with major sports journalists in the wake of the alleged child sex abuse scandal at Penn State will be moderated by Malcolm Moran, the Knight Chair in Sports Journalism and Society at Penn State University.
Malcolm Moran
The conversation, which will begin at 7:30 p.m. EST, will “highlight the critical need for transparency in reporting on college athletic programs.”
The event will be live-streamed. To participate, viewers can also follow @CurleyCenter on Twitter and use the hashtag #PSUstory to ask questions. Moran is seen as a leading resource by top media organizations currently covering the ongoing scandal. He has over 30 years of experience as an award-winning and respected sports journalist at USA Today, The New York Times, Newsday and Chicago Tribune. Moran has written about the story for The New York Times, touching on how the events have affected him personally:
“I had raced to college campuses in my previous life at The New York Times to cover scandals and tragedy, though none of them, as painful as they were, could compare to what has happened — and is happening — at Penn State University.”
Among other outlets, Moran was interviewed for an article in the Chicago Sun-Times:
‘‘I never dreamed anything like this could happen…Part of the reason the Knight Foundation awarded an endowment to create a chair for the analysis of sport in society here at Penn State and not at another school was because of the sterling reputation of athletics at Penn State. This was the place that had never been involved in a sports scandal. Its credibility and history were pristine.’’
Moran will lead the discussion. Panelists include The New York Times’ Mark Viera, USA Today’s Christine Brennan and others. In his role as the Knight Chair, Moran maintains many connections with professional sports journalism constituencies as well as students at Penn State and across the nation.