$5 million Knight Cities Challenge opens for ideas – Knight Foundation

$5 million Knight Cities Challenge opens for ideas

What’s your best idea to make cities more successful? Today we’re starting a journey to answer that question and uncover new thinking from civic innovators of all kinds everywhere. We call it the Knight Cities Challenge, and Knight Foundation is investing $5 million to move these ideas forward. Related Links 

Knight Cities Challenge opens for applications” – Press Release (10/1/2014)

Richard Florida on driving success in cities” — by Richard Florida on Knight Blog (09/23/2014)

Research shows that three of the most powerful levers for city success are talent, opportunity and engagement. We know that if your city can attract and retain talent, expand economic opportunity and create a culture of civic engagement then your city is much more likely to be successful.

But what we don’t know is how to get there. That’s why we’re running the challenge and looking for ideas to advance talent, opportunity and engagement in the 26 Knight communities.

The challenge runs through 5 p.m. Eastern Time, Nov. 14, 2014. During the next six weeks we will hold a series of community Q&As in many of the 26 Knight communities to tell you more about the challenge and to answer any questions you may have.

We also hope to stimulate conversations everywhere about building better communities. We want you to join in the conversation, to talk with your neighbors and to develop ideas that will benefit all of us. Keep an eye out on Knight Blog and on Twitter through @knightfdn and #KnightCities for more information.


If you can’t make a community event, you can log on and ask questions during virtual office hours. We’ll host the first session this afternoon (details are below). Look for others over the next six weeks.

We can’t wait to see your ideas because the future of our cities is not made by just a few people. It’s a product of thousands of people coming up with ideas and making small decisions every day. Your voice is essential to that process. Join the conversation, and join it early, to make sure your voice is heard.

Carol Coletta is vice president of community and national initiatives at Knight Foundation.

The Knight Cities Challenge offers applicants a chance to share in $5 million by focusing on the question, “What’s your best idea to make cities more successful?” The contest will test the most innovative ideas in talent, opportunity and engagement in one or more of 26 Knight Foundation communities. The challenge runs from Oct. 1 to 5 p.m. Eastern Time Nov. 14, 2014. Apply at KnightCities.org. Have questions? Email [email protected].

To learn more about the Knight Cities Challenge, join us for virtual office hours.

• Oct. 1 from 3 to 4 p.m. ET: For best quality, use this link to connect via your Web browser(please confirm and allow plugin installation at prompt), or connect via telephone by calling 1-888-240-2560 and entering meeting ID 448711858.

• Oct. 14 from 3 to 4 p.m. ET: For best quality, use this link to connect via your Web browser(please confirm and allow plugin installation at prompt), or connect via telephone by calling 1-888-240-2560 and entering meeting ID 829368066.

Photo: Santa Clara station in downtown San Jose. Photo by xAtsukex on Wikimedia Commons.

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